"Moving without pain"

Community and information website about living with osteoarthritis

Moving without Pain is a comprehensive platform for anyone who wants to keep moving smoothly. You will find lots of information about problems that may arise in the musculoskeletal system and how it can be alleviated with exercises, natural supplements and nutrition. Since most joint problems are caused by wear, we will focus on osteoarthritis. But you can also find lots of information about bones and muscles. The booklet Moving without Pain has been downloaded tens of thousands of times. You can download it free of charge as a PDF or have it sent in book form.

Questions about how to keep moving smoothly?
You can submit your questions by phone or e-mail to one of our experts. Usually you get answered within 24 hours. The platform Moving without Pain also includes a Facebook page and a free newsletter. So you are always up to date with the latest news in the field of keep moving smoothly.